For those of you who have followed me for a while now, you may remember that back in 2018, I had jaw filler at a clinic in Leeds. It was at a time where I was after the ‘snatched’ jaw look, wanted more definition and for my jaw to look stronger both from my side profile and face on. Unfortunately, the treatment went wrong, and I was left with a lump in my jaw which I have just recently had dissolved. FIVE years on. (Yeah.)

Now, don’t get me wrong, I know some of you may read this and question why I left it for so long before having done something about it but, I had seeked assistance and advice from other beauticians, doctors, and I even had it X-Rayed just to work out exactly what this lump was as I was told that this particular filler would naturally dissolve in my body between 9-12 months, so for me to be left with a lump in my jaw for over five years, yeah. There was definitely something wrong. Luckily, the X-Ray and tests proved that it was nothing sinister yet left professionals baffled as to what this lump was!

Because the other side of my jaw went back to its original form around the 5-6 month mark, much sooner than I was originally told, many presumed that the lump couldn’t have been filler because why would only one side of my jaw dissolve naturally, but the other side wouldn’t? Anyway, I finally took the plunge and visited Katie, a nurse with 20 years experience at NHS and 7 years experience in aesthetics at her clinic based in Harrogate - K Govid, Medical Aesthetics where I booked a consultation. I explained the whole ordeal about my experience with jaw filler and queried on whether or not this was something that could be fixed because for 5 years, this really did affect my self esteem and it was always something I was extremely conscious and paranoid of.

Katie was very honest with me from the start and stated that because nobody knew what this lump was in my jaw, that she didn’t know if it was filler or if it was just something my body had produced and if the filler/treatment that I had years ago somehow triggered this, but she suggested that we try dissolve the jaw area, where the lump was, just to see if it works and if it did, then it was filler all along and I was just a rare case in which the filler stayed within the body for a very long time but, if went ahead with the dissolver and nothing happened yet, if the lump was still there, then there were ways we could have explored to try disguise it better.

One of my main worries that I explained to Katie was sagging of the skin around my jaw area because this lump had been sat in my jaw for five years (I know I keep mentioning how long ago it was but I’m just trying to stress this!) and I was worried if I’d end up with saggy looking jowls that might flap about in the wind when I’m out and about but Katie reassured me and said that because I’m still young(ish), my skin’s elasticity would just snap back and go to its original state. After the consultation, I felt secure and confident with the advice given and made an appointment to go ahead with Hyalase (a filler dissolver) just for my peace of mind. Prior to the appointment I was slightly nervous but also in the headspace of ‘let’s just get it done’. Katie applied a bit of numbing cream to the jaw area where the lump was, fed the needle in and to my surprise, I felt nothing and after around 4/5 pricks, I took a look in the mirror and guess what?

It worked.

I saw the results almost instantly and I just felt a huge sense of relief that after all this time, the lump was no longer! I was told to allow for up to 14 days for any swelling or bruising that may appear as a side effect from the Hyalase and told to apply ice to the area as and when needed and luckily, the side effects were very minimal and with each passing day, the jaw area started to return to its original state, pre-filler.

I am so, so grateful to Katie for reassuring me and for giving me my confidence back, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I no longer feel paranoid or conscious of this lump in my jaw! For more on Katie and her clinic, click here. Katie also very kindly gifted me some products from her Medically-Graded skincare range which I will be reviewing on Sunday so be sure to come back then for my full review! Use discount code: LUKE10 to knock 10% off any skincare products, expires 15th October.

Side note - I just want to make it clear this blog post isn’t me trying to promote the use of filler or any dissolving treatments or procedures. This blog post is purely based on my own personal experience with jaw filler and the whole journey from when the application took place back in 2018 to having it dissolved now in 2023.