About a month or so ago I attended the launch of Kiehl’s latest product; Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing & Dark Circle-Diminishing Vitamin C Eye Serum, and despite the name being a little bit of a mouthful, it does exactly what it says!


The launch took place in the Pegasus Room in Selfridges London and I was completely taken aback by the mesmerising statue/feature of the horse which dominated the whole restaurant and was adorned in glitter head to toe. We were escorted to a private room to learn more about their latest product whilst tucking into our delicious three-course meal along with sipping on a specially crafted cocktail for the event (or 2!)



Kiehl’s latest product had been formulated specifically for the eye area and contains powerful, potent ingredients such as:

  • Tri-Peptide Complex

  • Hyaluronic Acid

  • 10% Pure Vitamin C

and the formula has been clinically demonstrated to reduce lines, crows feet, puffiness around the eye area and visibly reduce the appearance of dark circles.


As a big fan of all things Kiehl’s naturally I was excited to try this out, especially as their ‘Creamy Eye Avocado Treatment’ is my all-time favourite eye cream so I was keen to see how the new launch would stand against the previous Creamy Eye Treatment. Since I’ve launched a business it can be a little stressful at times which results in lack of sleep, therefore, resulting in my eyes looking puffy and tired so this came at rather a good time!

I applied the Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing & Dark Circle-Diminishing Vitamin C Eye Serum with my ring finger as this places the least amount of pressure within your eye area as it’s such a delicate area. Once the serum had been applied, I almost felt a slight warming sensation to this which we had previously been told at the Launch in London that this is due to the active ingredients within the Eye Serum which means it’s working! The sensation wasn’t uncomfortable nor did it make me feel the need to scrub it off so don’t panic…

I’ll be honest as I always am, I didn’t see any results immediately however, that’s to be expected! After applying this for 6 consecutive nights I began to see that my eyes looked a lot less puffy and that the discolouration of my eye area was beginning to lighten in colour too. Overall I was impressed with this Eye Serum and found that the texture was a lot finer and smoother than my original favourite of the Creamy Eye Avocado Treatment. I also liked the hint of the orange scent coming through too!

For more details on the Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing & Dark Circle-Diminishing Vitamin C Eye Serum, head over to their website and be sure to read more of my reviews on Kiehl’s below:

Avocado Nourishing Hydration Mask | Youth Dose Eye Treatment | Powerful-Strength Line Reducing Concentrate | Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream | Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment | Age Defender Moisturiser |  Creamy Eye Treatment | Midnight Recovery Concentrate | Facial Fuel | Age Defender Dual Action Exfoliating Cleanser

You can also read about the three events that I went to with Kiehl's: 

Kiehl's Pure Vitality Launch | Kiehl's On Wheels; Manchester | Kiehl's Boutique Store Opening; Manchester

Have you tried the new Kiehl’s Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing & Dark Circle-Diminishing Vitamin C Eye Serum? If so, what did you think to it? Have you tried any products by Kiehl’s before? Which one? Let me know your thoughts below as I would love to hear from you and don’t forget to click the ‘like’ button!